Josef and I

Josef and I



Saturday, September 10, 2011

Freedom isn't free...

Tomorrow is September 11th, ten years after the attacks. TEN YEARS! I can't believe it, not to be like every other American but it seems like yesterday. Even though I was young, it is such a vivid day. As an adult and a mother, I see the impact it had on peoples lives. Losing loved ones, I can't even imagine what some went through, not even knowing where family and friends were. For those brave police and firemen in New York, and for the soldiers still fighting 10 years after the fact. What heroes they all are! Giving their lives for us. Makes me thing how blessed I am to have such a wonderful family, wonderful life.

For all those serving for our country and/or helped that day....Thank you and God bless you.
For all those who lost friends family etc, that day, my heart and prayers go out to you!

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